Little Man Computer

April 10, 2020

The Little Man Computer (LMC), created by Dr. Stuart Madnick in 1965, simulates a simple von Neumann architecture computer. It is used to explain how a computer works in easy-to-understand terms: Imagine a man in a room, whose job is to fetch instructions, decode and execute them continuously, acting as the control unit of a CPU. This room has an inbox, an outbox, 100 numbered mailboxes, a counter, and a accumulator or calculator that can only do addition and subtraction. The little man - using these tools - must follow these steps:

  1. Read the number displayed in the Counter (it starts at 0)
  2. Go to the mailbox with that same number, look and remember the number that appears on a slip of paper in that mailbox.
  3. Push a button to increment the Counter
  4. Perform the instruction designated by the number on the slip of paper.
  5. Go back to step 1 or halt

There's a limited set of instructions that the little man can do:

| Numeric | Mnemonic | Description |
| 000 | STOP | Stops the Computer |
| 1xx | ADD xx | Adds the contents of the mailbox xx to the accumulator value |
| 2xx | SUB xx | Subtracts the contents of the mailbox xx from the accumulator value |
| 3xx | STO xx | Stores the accumulator value into the mailbox xx |
| 5xx | LOAD xx | Replace the accumulator value with the contents of the mailbox xx |
| 6xx | BRA xx | Sets the counter to the number xx |
| 7xx | BRZ xx | If the accumulator value is zero, sets the counter to the number xx |
| 8xx | BRP xx | If the accumulator value is greater or equals to 0, then set the |
| | | counter to the number xx |
| 901 | READ | Read a number from the inbox and write it into the accumulator |
| 902 | PRINT | Copy the number in the accumulator onto a slip of paper and place |
| | | it into the outbox |

We will write a small LMC. This write-up assumes you have Rust installed in your machine, if that is not the case, install it!.

Project setup

Let's start by creating a folder for our project and a new Rust package inside it.

mkdir lmc
cd ./lmc
cargo init

This command will generate our project manifest Cargo.toml which contains all the metadata required to compile the project, and the default executable file src/

|-- .git
|-- .gitignore
|-- Cargo.toml
|-- src

Executing cargo run will compile and execute the project:

cargo run
Compiling lmc v0.1.0 (/path/to/lmc)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.50s
Running `target/debug/lmc`
Hello world

Reading arguments from the command line

We need to fill the LMC mailboxes with up to 100 instructions. To indicate our program how whether we will read these instructions from the standard input or a file, we will use a command line flag.

A nice way to do this is through the most popular crate to parse command line arguments: clap. We need to add this library to our dependencies in the Cargo.toml file.

clap = "2.33.0"

And fetch this dependency and pre-compile it with cargo build.

use clap::{Arg, App};
fn main() {
let matches = App::new("Little man computer")
.help("Indicates that the input is a file path")
println!("Hello, world!");

Edit the main function of file. Currently it only prints "Hello, world!". Let's make it do something more interesting!

Add the following code to make our program expect an optional flag --file. We can also use -f. If you execute cargo run -- --help, you'll see that the clap package displays some hints on what flags are expected.

The next step is to read the instructions. Depending on the --file flag we will read it from a file, or from the standard input. Start by importing som elements from the packages std::io and std::fs.

And create a reader variable that will contain a BufRead trait object (both File and io::stdin() implement this trait).

The LMC has a maximum number of 100 mailboxes, or memory slots available to hold our instructions. We will use an array of 100 elements initialized to 0 (the default state of our mailboxes). Then, using the reader we will proceed to get all the values. The iterator enumerate() is useful because it returns a pair containing the current index of the iteration and the current value.

Then, fill the mailbox array with the values from reader. Notice the .expect here is used to make our program exit if we can't read the file. Since the LMC can only have 100 mailboxes, we break out of the loop once we reach index 99 (because arrays in Rust are zero-based).

We can see our current progress by printing the values stored in mailbox and then compile and execute our program with cargo run. Enter some numbers and then press CTRL + D in Linux or CTRL + Z on Windows to display the values in the mailbox array and exit the program. You can also test it with a file by executing
cargo run -- --file filename.txt.

And that's it! We have our main program ready to fill the mailbox array with instructions for the LMC that we are going to build in the next section.

Creating the LMC as a library

use std::convert::TryFrom;
pub fn compute(mut mailbox: [i32; 100]) {
let mut program_cnt: usize = 0;
let mut accumulator: i32 = 0;
let instruction = mailbox[program_cnt];
let code : i32 = instruction / 100;
let index : usize = usize::try_from(instruction % 100).unwrap();

Ideally, our LMC program could be used as a binary executable or as a library, in case we want to publish it as a crate. Create a file src/ This file will contain all the logic for the LMC described above. In this file we will add a function compute that receives the mailbox array. Also, we will declare two variables: program_cnt representing our counter, and accumulator, for the calculator value. Since program_cnt represents an index in the mailbox array, we use the type usize.

An instruction in the LMC is represented by a three digits number. The first digit being the code, and the other digits are the index of the mailbox to apply the instruction. Notice that we cast the index from i32 to usize with try_from.

Here we implement first the simpler actions from the instruction table. The _ will be used to exit the LMC program with an error when it receives an Invalid action.

Using our library

use clap::{Arg, App};
use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader};
use std::fs::File;
use lmc;
fn main() {
let matches = App::new("Little man computer")
.help("Indicates that the input is a file path")
// If --file is present, read the values from a file
let reader: Box<dyn BufRead> = match matches.value_of("file") {
Some(file_path) => {
let path = std::path::PathBuf::from(file_path);
let f = File::open(path).expect("File not found");
None => Box::new(BufReader::new(io::stdin()))
// Fill mailbox
let mut mailbox: [i32; 100] = [0; 100];
for (i, value) in reader.lines().enumerate() {
mailbox[i] = value.unwrap()
.expect(&format!("NaN on line {}", i + 1));
if i == 99 {
println!("Instructions: {:?}", &mailbox[..]);

So, let's see our progress so far. We have a program that reads a series of instructions either from the command line or from a file. There's also a library file, however, it's not being invoked by our main program.

Import the library.

And then call the function compute by passing the mailbox array as a parameter.

Execute cargo run and enter the following instructions:

(remember to use `CTRL + D` in Linux / `CTRL + Z` in Windows)
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use text_io::read;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
pub fn compute(mut mailbox: [i32; 100]) {
let mut program_cnt: usize = 0;
let mut accumulator: i32 = 0;
loop {
let instruction = mailbox[program_cnt];
let code : i32 = instruction / 100;
let index : usize = usize::try_from(instruction % 100).unwrap();
let instruction = mailbox[program_cnt];
let code : i32 = instruction / 100;
let index : usize = usize::try_from(instruction % 100).unwrap();
match code {
1 => accumulator += mailbox[index], // ADD
2 => accumulator -= mailbox[index], // SUBSTRACT
3 => mailbox[index] = accumulator, // STORE
5 => accumulator = mailbox[index], // LOAD
0 => return, // HALT
_ => panic!(format!("Invalid action: {}", mailbox[program_cnt]))
program_cnt += 1;
match code {
1 => accumulator += mailbox[index], // ADD
2 => accumulator -= mailbox[index], // SUBSTRACT
3 => mailbox[index] = accumulator, // STORE
5 => accumulator = mailbox[index], // LOAD
0 => return, // HALT
_ => panic!(format!("Invalid action: {}", mailbox[program_cnt]))

You'll notice that after entering the instructions, only the first instruction is executed.

We are missing a loop in our library. Add a loop and increase the counter on each iteration:

Now if we run the program with cargo run, we'll see it executes each instruction.

cargo run
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
Running `target/debug/lmc`

Input, output and branching instructions

To implement the READ instruction, we'll use the text_io crate. Add it to the Cargo.toml file

clap = "2.33.0"
text_io = "0.1.8"
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use text_io::read;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
pub fn compute(mut mailbox: [i32; 100]) {
let mut program_cnt: usize = 0;
let mut accumulator: i32 = 0;
loop {
let instruction = mailbox[program_cnt];
let code : i32 = instruction / 100;
let index : usize = usize::try_from(instruction % 100).unwrap();
match code {
1 => accumulator += mailbox[index], // ADD
2 => accumulator -= mailbox[index], // SUBSTRACT
3 => mailbox[index] = accumulator, // STORE
5 => accumulator = mailbox[index], // LOAD
9 => match index {
1 => { // INPUT
print!("Input: ");
let value: String = read!("{}\n");
accumulator = value.parse().expect("Invalid input value");
_ => panic!(format!("Invalid action: {}", mailbox[program_cnt]))
0 => return, // HALT
_ => panic!(format!("Invalid action: {}", mailbox[program_cnt]))

Let's go back and edit We are only missing a few instructions to complete our LMC.

We can implement instruction 901, using the read! macro. Notice that we used io::stdout().flush().unwrap() after the print!. This is because we want to display the string "Input: " before we read a value.

To implement the PRINT instruction (902) we only need to display the value we have in the accumulator with a println!.

The instructions 6xx, 7xx and 8xx are very similar except for their conditions to change the counter value. We need to use a continue to avoid increasing the program counter after executing the instruction.

And with this, the LMC is complete! You can create a more complex program to see the LMC in action:


cargo run -- --file ./countdown.txt

Final thoughts

The LMC program is like assembly language that a CPU understands, and it serves as a good introduction to learn how a computer works. Try creating some programs and find ways to improve the LMC! (some ideas: extend the program with non-standard instructions to print ascii characters, create a lexer to accept the mnemonics instead of the numeric codes, validate the instructions and input data).